Early in the year 2015, I started the 30 Day Protein Challenge. Within the first week of journaling, it became apparent that I was not getting nearly as much protein as I thought I was. During the second week, I made it a point to incorporate more protein into my diet. And not only more protein, but ... READ the POST
Beef Builds Beautiful Bodies – The Journal
So, I have a confession to make. There have been few days in the past three weeks that I have not felt great. I was sore, achy, and generally run-down. I chalked it up to being only three weeks postpartum and adjusting to the new zone defense Tom and I are playing in the game of parenting. Then I ... READ the POST
Beef Builds Beautiful Bodies
As my trucker hat suggests, beef does in fact build beautiful bodies. Each of my three pregnancies were fueled by beef and now that Taggert is a full two weeks old, it is time to start getting my body back into shape. Yesterday, I signed myself up for, and started, the 30-Day Protein Challenge in ... READ the POST
The key to ANY successful relationship is good, clear communication. A breakdown in communication not only damages confidence, but can also be perceived as dangerous or threatening. Sustained, poor communication often triggers the physiological reaction hardwired in all animals and humans known ... READ the POST
Butterflies and Sunshine
Marriage isn’t always butterflies and sunshine, especially when you work with your spouse... We've had our fair share of those less than sunny days with no butterflies in sight. I was perusing Facebook after coming in from the pasture on one of "those" days, when I came across a post on Buzzard’s ... READ the POST
Better Equipped Calves
As you know, my husband and I have three kids. I spend my days both raising my kids and helping my husband care for the cows and calves on the ranch. As a parent, I help my kids navigate the stages of life, giving them a solid foundation so that they can become responsible adults and contributing ... READ the POST