I recently heard of the Ban Bossy campaign. Ban Bossy is designed to empower and encourage girls to take on leadership roles. While the program does offer some helpful leadership tips, the take away is, as the name suggests, to ban the word bossy. The campaign claims that using the word bossy to ... READ the POST
Faith Family & Beef Blog

Get Acclimated
Five months ago, I went from working full-time at the feed yard to being a part time ranch hand and full-time stay-at-home-mom. I went from working on a crew with thirteen other people to working on a crew of one other adult, two kids, seven dogs, and a few horses. I went from living four miles from ... READ the POST

Taco Soup
Years ago, I found this great cookbook called Cowgirl Up in the Kitchen, by Cowgirls of the West, Inc. That's where my version of Taco Soup originated. But, as with most recipes that I try my hand at, I had to tweak it. Make it my own. Substitute or just straight up omit, ... READ the POST

Hesitant to Complain
Beautiful, frosty morning on a day that never made it above zero. As part of my morning routine, I check the weather, and from the looks of it, most of America is ready for spring. There have been record cold temperatures (complete with snow and ice) in the Southern ... READ the POST

Hot Beef Sundaes
Hot Beef Sundaes are a Drieling family favorite! Hot Beef Sundaes are a play on the popular dessert Hot Fudge Sundaes. Instead of ice cream, fudge sauce, sprinkles, whipped cream and a cherry on top - you have mashed potatoes, beefy brown gravy, shredded cheese, sour cream and a cherry ... READ the POST

Subject to Change
Those who know me well would agree, I was (and still am, on occasion) a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl. The plan was never the problem. The problem was how disappointed I would get when things didn’t go as I had planned. For a while, I believed planning was just asking for unnecessary ... READ the POST