“What’s your secret?” This was a question I received on a handful of occasions over the course of my first six weeks postpartum with our third babe. It was always in reference to my appearance having just had a baby, and quite frankly, it always made me feel uncomfortable. I just never ... READ the POST
Beef Builds Beautiful Bodies – The Journal
So, I have a confession to make. There have been few days in the past three weeks that I have not felt great. I was sore, achy, and generally run-down. I chalked it up to being only three weeks postpartum and adjusting to the new zone defense Tom and I are playing in the game of parenting. Then I ... READ the POST
So Many Choices
Back in the year 2010, I was a baby baking newbie trying to muddle through building a baby registry. And let me tell you - making a decision on what to diaper Tripp with was a daunting task in and of itself. Did you know there are ten different brands of disposable diapers available to choose from ... READ the POST
Butterflies and Sunshine
Marriage isn’t always butterflies and sunshine, especially when you work with your spouse... We've had our fair share of those less than sunny days with no butterflies in sight. I was perusing Facebook after coming in from the pasture on one of "those" days, when I came across a post on Buzzard’s ... READ the POST
This is my first wintertime pregnancy and my first pregnancy on the ranch. Both factors have put a new spin on things and provided a whole new set of challenges. Jumping on the #problems band wagon, I have listed below what I have dubbed, #pregnantranchwifeproblems. 1) Early pregnancy exhaustion ... READ the POST
Do I Miss It?
A friend/fellow ranch wife and I were visiting, when the conversation turned to my decision to leave my full time position at the feed yard. We talked about the ups and downs of my transition from full time feed yard employee to full time stay-at-home-mom/ranch wife. Then she asked, “Do you ... READ the POST