Kromers on noggins and planners that pop
Tom’s tasty steak rub and cool beefy tops
A snowy white Christmas and all that it brings
These are a few of my favorite things
Should I keep going?
I could keep going.
But I am no Julie Andrews, or Weird Al. And I’ve run out of rhymes for all of my favorite things, so I’ll stop my feeble attempt at a parody (until next year) and start telling you about them.
A Few of My Favorite Things – Gift Guide 2018
Let me start by saying that in order to qualify as one of the few of my favorite things, items had to first pass rigorous testing by me. And as you may, or may not, know I am all about practical gift giving, so this list is equal parts practical and awesome. Because I also like awesome.
PS – this post does contain some affiliate links. For more on how we use affiliate linking here on FFB, please visit the Terms & Conditions, which you can do by clicking here.
Kromers on Noggins.
Of all the Kromers to have ever graced my noggin, the Harris Tweed Button up is by far my favorite. From its stylishness to the way it perfectly hugs my head and keeps it warm, I love everything about that cap. Despite my love affair with this particular style, Stormy Kromer offers many other stylish, yet functional, caps for ladies, gents, and kids alike.
I’m also a huge fan of a little cap called The Snowdrift. It was brand new to the Stormy Kromer line-up in the fall of 2016 and quickly became my second favorite cap to have ever graced my noggin. In addition to its woolen exterior, The Snowdrift is Thinsulate™-lined and features tie-up earflaps for warmth that is beyond compare. I literally don’t need a hood when I go out in this bad boy.
Harris Tweed Snowdrift
Visit your local retailer, or go to Stormy Kromer online, if an American-made Stormy Kromer cap (or other apparel) sounds like the perfect gift for you or someone you know.
Use the code SHOPSK10 for 10% off all regular priced items, plus free shipping on all orders 11/23/18 – 11/26/18.
Planners that Pop.
So, I am something of a planner geek. I love planners and usually have at least two or three of them around at any one time. And that, my friend, is a bit strange considering my love-hate relationship with planning.
In 2017, I discovered the wonderfulness that is the Heart of the Farm Planner Weekly + Monthly Planner. My planner had it all – pages for dreams and goals, monthly calendars, seasonal bucket lists, weekly dated calendar, monthly top priorities checklists, master task lists, monthly freezer inventory, weekly menu plan, a field meals planner, inspirational quotes, and gorgeous photography. See what I mean when I said “it all”?!?!
Or so I thought.
In 2018 the lovely Cory (brains behind Heart of the Farm) unveiled a brand new planer – the Daily + Monthly Planner. This planner has time slots for 6 a.m. through 9 p.m. It has space for menu planning, gratitude, health, and praise plus prayer.
2019 Daily | Farmhouse Plaid June Photo ❤
There’s a pocket to tie up all the loose ends, full month calendar view, beautiful full-color inspirational quotes and crowd sourced farm lifestyle photography (one from yours truly, hint – it’s the June photo 😉). This planner has a space for monthly dreams and goals and it lays flat thanks to its spiral binding.
I got both the weekly and daily planners for 2018 because I’m a non-planning planner geek and I just could not decide. However, I will say that I definitely used the daily planner WAY more. I love that thing and already have one for 2019! If you are interested in the planner(s) that has it all, shop Heart of the Farm.
Oh and did I mention, there are lots of other goodies at Heart of the Farm as well – goodies like super cool recipe binders, wooden spoons, pocket planners, and more!
Take advantage of automatic Free Shipping on all orders over $100 in the US all month long.
Tom’s tasty steak rub.
There are a couple of things you should know about my husband Tom. first – he loves the color pink and wears it proudly. Second, he makes one heckuva delicious steak rub!
Tom’s Steak Rub “The Rub” in Action
He’s been making “The Rub” since 2005 (that’s pretty much as long as I’ve known him) and it’s been our favorite ever since. The unique blend of flavors just pair so beautifully with steak, burgers, eggs, potatoes, pork, popcorn, beer… – and these are just the pairings we know about.
A few years ago we started mass producing it for Christmas gifts. Our friends and family loved it so much that in the spring of last year, I had the harebrained idea to start mass producing it on a much larger scale and to make it available in Shop FFB. So if you’re looking for a delicious stocking stuffer, I know where to find one.
Cool Beefy Tops.
Early this year, we added some cool beefy tees to Shop FFB and this fall we added the Beef Builds Beautiful Bodies Raglan (in a variety of colors) to the shop as well. I own at least one in every style and can say without hesitation that I love them all.
I can also say that it doesn’t hurt to size up if you purchase a tee, as they seem to shrink a bit in the wash. The raglans shrink slightly too, but they’re unisex so it’s less noticeable.
Beef Builds Beautiful Bodies Raglan Faith Family & Beef Tee
Speaking of the raglans, I love mine so much that I’d literally live in it if it weren’t frowned upon… Now that I think about it, I should probs just go ahead and get one in every color. 🤔
Coffee Mugs
In addition to our cool beefy tops, we also added some sweet mugs to Shop FFB. Each mug features words I live by and comes in a couple of sizes. And I’ve gotta say, my strong coffee & a whole lotta Jesus mug is my favie.
I mean, not only is it just a straight up awesome mug, it also keeps my coffee warm for longer. And that’s important for a mom who’s busy and also forgetful.
Grit + Grace Strong Coffee & a Whole Lotta Jesus
So, if you too are fueled by strong coffee & a whole lotta Jesus, live on grit + grace, or just really love coffee theses mugs might just make the perfect vessel for your morning (afternoon and evening) coffee.
Twisted X Footwear
Twisted X is legit the only brand of footwear I’ve ever met that I haven’t had to break in. I have more than half a dozen pair and never once have I had to spend any amount of time breaking them in. No lie – they are that comfy.
I will spare you the rundown of all the pairs I have, but I will share with you one of my current faves as well as my all-time favorite.
Women’s ECO TWX Driving Moccasins Women’s Bomber Driving Moccasins
My current fave is Women’s ECO TWX Driving Mocs. I have a pair in the color pictured above and to say I love them would be an understatement. I wear them with bootcut jeans, skinny jeans, shorts, for everyday, and out on the town. They just work.
Of all the many, many pairs of shoes I’ve had the Women’s Bomber Driving Moc’s are my all-time favorite pair. Not only are they super comfy, they’ve also got some longevity. I’ve been wearing mine (almost daily) for more than five years and while they have started to show some age they’re still going strong.
There are lots of places you can get Twisted X footwear, but my favorite place to purchase them is at the one and only Double A Feeds.If you’re local to western Nebraska, stop on in and see my girls Naomi and Cary at Double A. If you aren’t local, don’t worry – you can still shop online. 😉
Awesomely Honest Hats
Brought back by Tayler Teichert, these awesomely honest embroidered trucker hats are the resurrection of the old classic.
I refer to them as “awesomely honest” hats – even when I am wearing one. Not because I think I am all that and a bag of chips (is that even a phrase anymore?), but because it is absolutely 100% truth. Beef does build beautiful bodies. It’s pretty much the tastiest super food ever – just sayin’.

Last year we added a new style to the line-up. Now we have Beef Builds Beautiful Bodies Patch Hats in addition to the embroidered Beef Builds Beautiful Bodies Trucker Hats. And they’re pretty awesome! If you need that kind of awesome honesty in your life and atop you head…
When the tree lights
When the caroler sings
When you shop with dad
Simply remember my favorite things
And Christmas shopping won’t be so bad
Okay, I promise I’m done this time. But seriously, if you are at a loss what to get those on your shopping list this Christmas come back to my favorite things gift guide because there is literally something for everyone.