Yesterday was definitely a “Monday”…
For starters when I tried to make coffee, I emptied the old grounds, put a new filter in, filled the carafe with water, turned the pot on, and went into the living room to read while it brewed. When I went to get my morning cup, I realized that not only did I forget to pour the water out of the carafe into the coffee maker, but I had also forgotten to put new grounds in the filter. This set the tone for my day. Things wouldn’t go my way and I would be grouchy about it.

Can you see him? This is an example of how
the calves hide. It is like playing “Where’s Waldo!”
Fast forward to the pasture. Within the first 20 minutes of my check the pregnant/calving cows, I found a calf whose mom was nowhere in sight. I didn’t move the calf because sometimes cows hide their calves and have them stay hidden until they can come back to get them. I went about my check and when I returned to the calf, the mother was there. That was the good news. The bad news was that it didn’t look like the calf had nursed. In fact, that was really bad news.

Playing during one of our picnics in the pasture!
The long days of calving season see us leaving the house in the morning and not returning until supper time or later. Each day we pack plenty of snacks and a lunch. When we come to a good stopping point sometime around noon, we take a break and have a picnic in the pasture. Our picnics in the pasture, are a welcome break on a stressful day. During our picnics, the kids get to cut loose, run around, explore, play in the dirt, and make us laugh. It makes me happy to see them so happy!